Window Cleaning Doesn’t Have to Be a Chore

by Mar 6,2017

There’s something about walking into a room with sparkling clean windows that instantly puts you in a sunny mood. Washing windows is one of those spring cleaning chores that nobody enjoys, but having the right equipment makes it easy. Have you ever seen a professional window washer without a squeegee in his hand?

Learn some tips from the pros about the right type of equipment and supplies to take some of the elbow grease out of getting radiant, streak-free windows.

Inside or Outside: Where Do I Start?

The outsides of your windows are probably dirtier than the inside because of the wind, rain, or snow. Take a few minutes to hose off dirt, grime, cobwebs, and debris and then wash each window individually.

Removing and Washing Window Screens

Have you ever noticed that after window cleaning, you suddenly notice how dirty the screens are? The easiest part of window cleaning is cleaning the screens. Remove the screens and hose them down with clear water.

Use a spray bottle filled with water and a drop or two of dish washing liquid to saturate the screens. Rinse them again with the hose. Set them in the sun to dry thoroughly before placing them back into the windows.

While the screens are drying, you can turn to getting the windows spotless inside and out.

Washing Windows with the Right Supplies

When you use paper towels and a spray bottle to clean your windows, you’re bound to be frustrated by streaks because it’s hard to tell if streaks are inside or outside. With paper towels, you’ll be doing nothing more than rubbing the dirt across the window.

Here’s what works better. Grab a bucket of water and squirt a small amount of dish washing liquid into it. A little goes a long way, and you won’t need or want a lot of suds.

Most professional window washers use detergent, but if you have ammonia or vinegar at home, it works just as well. Mix one part ammonia or vinegar to two parts water.

Handheld sponges and hog-bristle brushes work best for loosening up dirt without scratching the glass. Natural sponges are a little firmer than synthetic sponges, and they’ll soak up water a bit better. Use the sponge or brush to get deep into the corners of the window.

Use a squeegee to make a reverse “S” pattern across the window and wipe it down before cleaning the rest of the window. You may have seen professional window washers use this snaking motion.

Wipe the squeegee down with a lint-free cloth and then wipe the window. Clean linen napkins and cloth diapers make excellent cloths for a streak-free window cleaning.

Your final step is to use a chamois cloth to absorb any remaining moisture in the corners and across the surface for a crystal-clear view. Finish up by wiping down the sills, hinges, and tracks.

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Stains

Some stains, like mineral stains and bird droppings, are a little harder to clean. Spray your cleaning solution onto these areas and let it sit for a while. When it has had time to work, try to wipe it away.

If that doesn’t work, try using a scrubber sponge or 0000-grade steel wool. Don’t use coarser grades of steel wool because they will scratch the window.

You may find stains from mineral deposits where water dripped and collected on the bottom of the window or in the corners. If letting the solution sit on it doesn’t work, try a commercial cleaner for calcium, rust, or lime.

A Final Window Washing Tip

If you try to wash your windows on a hot, sunny day, you might be frustrated if the sun’s heat dries the cleaning solution before you have time to squeegee it. Try doing your window cleaning on an overcast day or at a time of day where the windows don’t have direct sun. Save time and get the best results by hiring a professional for window cleaning.




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Window Cleaning Doesn’t Have to Be a Chore |
Article Name
Window Cleaning Doesn’t Have to Be a Chore |
There’s something about walking into a room with sparkling clean windows that instantly puts you in a sunny mood. Washing windows is one of those spring cleaning chores that nobody enjoys, but having the right equipment makes it easy.
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Clean and Clear Inc.
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